Get ready for 2025 Book Sale! Sign-Up for Book Donation on Saturday Feb 8, 9 am to Noon! Sign-Up to Volunteer!

Supporting the Lucius Beebe Library of Wakefield, MA
When was the Friends of Beebe Library established?
Are the Friends part of the Beebe Library?
No. We’re an independent organization working to raise money to help support the Library.
I have a library card so am I a member of the Friends?
No. You need to join the Friends of Beebe Library to become a member, but the cost per year is affordable.
How does the Friends raise money?
Money is raised through membership dues, donations, the annual Book Sale, sale of Beebe products such as honey, and book give-aways at town events.
How does the Friends decide how to spend money?
The main expenditure is the annual donation to the Beebe, and for this, the Library Director requests funding for programs and resources that can not be funded through other means. The Friends vote on the request. The board must also approve minor expenditures on operating costs (stamps, book sale supplies, etc). Board members and committee heads frequently donate items needed for the Friends' operation.
How much of the money raised is used to support the Beebe Library?
Approximately 90% of the money raised is dedicated to the Beebe - the rest goes toward honey purchases and operating expenses.
Are membership dues or donations tax deductible?
Yes. The Friends of Beebe Library is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
How can I volunteer?
There are fun events where we need help, such as the Annual Book Sale, as well as book giveaways at the Festival by the Lake & the Wakefield Farmer’s Market, as year round volunteer opportunities. Please contact the Volunteers Coordinator at