Thanks for making 2024 Book Sale a Big Success! Next monthly Friends meeting will be on 09/12, @7pm on Zoom.
Supporting the Lucius Beebe Library of Wakefield, MA
Leadership and Governance
How is the Friends of Beebe Library governed?
The Friends of Beebe is governed by a Board consisting of:
• President
• Vice President
• Treasurer
• Assistant Treasurer
• Secretary
• Directors
The Board is guided by the Friends' bylaws and applicable State and Federal laws regulating non-profit organizations. A member of the Library's staff attends Board meetings in a non-voting capacity.
Are there other leadership roles beside the elected Board of Directors' positions?
Yes, there are coordinators for the following: Membership, Newsletter, Publicity, Book Sale, Website, Volunteers, and Beebe Boutique.
What are the duties of the Board and Coordinators?
These are detailed in the Friends of Beebe Library Bylaws.
How long are the terms of office for Board members and coordinator positions?
Terms for officers are 2 years and Directors' terms are 1 year. There is no limit to the coordinator terms. Positions typically open up yearly, and we frequently need people to serve on the Board or to volunteer for a committee.
When does the Friends' Board of Directors meet?
The Board meets at the library on the second Thursday of the month at 7pm from September through June.
What does the Board do?
Members of the Board are required to attend monthly Board meetings, review and approve meeting minutes and financial reports, participate in discussions of topics on the agenda, and vote on expenditures for specific programming or items to purchase. Many of the board members also act as Coordinators and participate in fund raising activities such as the Book Sale and Book Giveaways.